Jalan Nangka Selatan Gang Cendrawasih no 21 Denpasar 80231



Chlamydia is one of the most common sexually transmitted infections. If left untreated, the infection can cause infertility in women, and can increase the likelihood of passing on HIV. Although anybody who is sexually active can get chlamydia, the infection is more common in some groups, most notably young women or gay men.

Symptoms of chlamydia normally occur one to three weeks after infection. However, many people who have chlamydia are unaware that they have the infection. It is thought that as many as 75% of women with chlamydia, and 50% of men with chlamydia have no symptoms.

When symptoms do occur, in men it usually consists of a milky discharge from the penis, particularly in the morning, and a burning sensation when urinating. Chlamydia can also cause the testicles to swell. If a person has been infected anally, there may be soreness around the anus and a discharge.


Chlamydia is caused by bacteria called Chlamydia trachomatis. It can be transmitted during anal, oral and vaginal sex if no condom is used (unprotected sex), and can affect the anus, penis, cervix, throat and eyes.

Untreated chlamydia may make a person with HIV more infectious because untreated sexually transmitted infections can increase viral load in genital fluids.

Having chlamydia can also make it more likely that an HIV-negative person will be infected with HIV if they are exposed to the virus.

Using a condom for anal, oral or vaginal sex is an effective way of avoiding infection with chlamydia or passing the infection on to somebody else.

People who are sexually active are advised to have regular sexual health check-ups, where they will be tested for chlamydia and other sexually transmitted infections.

What happens if I test positive?

Take comfort in the fact that most STIs are treatable with the correct medication. Seeing a doctor at the first sign of symptoms will ensure that your STI will be treated quickly and easily.

If you have any questions be sure to contact our staff at [email protected]

We also suggest that contact your most recent sexual partners to advise them that they need to get tested.